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    Want to Know Some Pro Carpet Cleaning Tips? Read Here

    Even with your best efforts, carpet cleaning is not an easy task to handle by yourself, and it will eventually become the victim of your food accidents, spills, pets, shoes and more. Well, there is no escape for your carpet from this fate. Carpet cleaning is well different from regular cleaning chores, and needs special attention from the cleaner to get done effectively. If you are a diehard fan of your carpets and want to learn some secret carpet cleaning skills to effectively and easily use them, read further to learn them.


    No Rubbing of Stains, Do Blot


    Rubbing the stains while cleaning your carpets can spread the stain and lead to damage the carpet fibers. That’s why; dab your carpet stains with use of a clean sponge, paper towels, or cloth and cleaning solution. Blot the stain with a small amount of pressure to effectively soak it up.


    Magic of Club Soda


    Beer and wine stains are definitely a big headache, but no more. Blot the stain area with help of a clean cloth and club soda. It will soak up the stains instantly. You can also use a mix of equal part of white vinegar and water to spray on the wine stains. Leave it to soak in for 15 minutes. Then use a clean sponge to press out the stains with solution. Repeat the procedure if needed. Once you are done with the stains, rinse the particular spot with warm water. Finally, put towels on it and weigh them down to absorb all the dampness.


    Stains of Dark Colored or Greasy Foods!!! No Worries


    For dark colored food stains on carpet, first use a plastic knife or anything similar to scrape off the remaining of food. Use a mixture of four part water and one part liquid shop clean the area and then rinse the spot with lukewarm water for the finishing touch. Does it work? Yes, absolutely.


    Getting rid of greasy food stains is more of a headache compared to dark colored food stains. Apply the same scrape off method. Lay some paper towels on top of the greasy stain and use a lowest heated iron on top of it to lift off the grease stain form your carpet. After which, apply an equal mix of liquid soap, and lukewarm water on the spot, and then rinse. See the magic yourself.


    Or, Simply Hire Professional Carpet Cleaning for Your Morgan Hill Home


    Expert carpet cleaners have access to all types of modern equipments to satisfyingly get rid of your carpet stains. You just don’t have to invest hours of valuable time to get rid of these headache creating cleaning chores by yourself. All you have to do is give them a call and they will be right at your doorstep to provide you the services. Even carpet cleaning services in Morgan Hill are quite budget suited and won’t cost you a huge addition to your monthly budget.


    This blog is originally posted here: https://terracleaningservices.wordpress.com/

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